Under the agreement, Adamston Elementary, North View Elementary, Mountaineer Middle and Liberty High schools will be part of a pilot program for mental health services.
Community Care ran a pilot program for evidence-based classroom and school interventions for psychiatric and psychotherapy services last year in Braxton County schools.
“We are bringing the mental health services to the kids rather than bringing the kids to mental health services, which can sometimes be a barrier to kids getting proper mental health services for a myriad of reasons,” said Dr. Kevin Junkins, the psychiatrist leading the program at CCWV.
"Evidence from other states shows that therapy for first- grade students has reduced by 10 percent their chance of becoming addicted to drugs later in life. Therapy has also been shown to decrease the need for special education services, improve graduation rates and decrease the rates of teen smoking and teen pregnancy."
Harrison County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mark Manchin said he would like to expand the program to all the county’s schools next year, if possible.
To read the story and as it appeared in The Exponent-Telegram and watch a video from the meeting, click here.