Co-located with the Community Care/CareXpress health center, located at Stonewall Commons, the pharmacy offers a full range of pharmacy services, including filling prescription medications, 340B pharmacy pricing, Med Sync arrangements, and mail order pharmacy services.
Providing comprehensive pharmacy services is important to CCWV. “I’m pleased we are able to meet the needs of our patients whether they can visit us at our pharmacy or we can bring their medications to their home,” said Joshua Dunn, PharmD, and CCWV’s Director of Pharmacy. “For some patients, it is difficult making a trip to the pharmacy. Through Med Sync, our medication synchronization program, we can work with our patients’ care team so that their medications get filled at the same time each month. For those that simply cannot travel to the pharmacy, our mail order program allows the patient to receive their medications via the US postal service at their home.”
The co-location of the pharmacy with the health center allows the pharmacy staff to work as part of the patient Care Team to make sure patients receive the highest quality care. “We work closely with the clinical staff to make sure each patient has the medications that are best suited to their needs, and we collaborate with outside physicians and specialists to coordinate care,” said pharmacist-in-charge, Andrew Shay, PharmD. “We love seeing our patients at the pharmacy and we are always happy to answer questions either in person or on the phone.”
CCWV operates health centers, pharmacies, and school-based health centers located in Braxton, Clay, Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis, Monongalia, Pocahontas, Randolph, and Upshur counties. In addition, they operate a dental clinic in Pocahontas County and provide behavioral health services throughout their service area.
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Pictured at left:
Andrew Shay, PharmD, Pharmacist-in-Charge
Dakota DeBarr, Pharmacy Technician Trainee
Joshua Dunn, PharmD, Director of Pharmacy